If you See this error please notifiy the PSI team via conductor feedback. Please include the UID and the email in your issue details. 

This is only an error because of how data was managed in the previous version of conductor.  Any work spaces that were added after sprint 16 will not see this issue. If you do see this issue please submit an error via conductor feedback and include the UID of the account and the email in the error in your details.  

What will happen when we receive the issue is that someone with DB access will go in to our database and modify the conductor duplicate to have slightly different values in the extension and the email.   They will test the work space is working and clear any additional errors the same way.

This will typically done within a few hours, but no longer than 1 business day. Once the error is gone, please go into the work space complete this data clean up by delete the duplicate users.  

Identify the conductor duplicate (ext 9632).  You're going to delete it, but first document the porting number and add it back into numbers section. To map that number, swap it with the number on the user after you have a temp number assigned.