Development Of New and Useful Tools

*Click the name of each donut below for more details and a "how to" guide for each specific tool.*

Extension Activator (Updated!)
This tool lets you activate and/or update multiple limited extensions or user extensions on an account with a simple excel file.

Phone Number and Extension Reassigner + Phone Number Naming -(Updated!)
This tool allows you to assign phone numbers to extensions and add names to numbers in bulk- pre and post port.

Caller ID & Audit Tool - (Updated!)
Audit and view all the Caller ID's on an account + download an Excel file so you can filter, sort, and manipulate the records. In addition, you can still set the Caller ID as the direct number for all the extensions and devices on an account.

SIP Provisioning Info - Microsoft Teams Formatting + Audio Codes (Updated!)
The SIP tool allows you to view manual provisioning information, including information about the device and the assigned extension.

It also allows Microsoft Teams formatting - selecting the MS Teams box provides the format needed to upload directly into the admin cloud pbx portal which is the portal that handles our MS Teams direct routing integration.

Advanced Rules - (Updated!)
The updated advance rule donut will allow the creation, edit, audit and delete of Advance rules, business hours rules and after hours rules. One of it's key new features is the ability to create unconditional forwarding rules very easily.

Cloud Connect extensions made easy

ERL - Emergency Response Locations
New Donut for adding ERL's to an account in Bulk.

Flakey Buttery Croissant Goodness
A tool made by DQ Griffin that allows you to import BRD and Lucid Charts to get the call flows in to an XML format for Ring Central Platform. You can also take an XML export from service web of the call flows and use this to get a CSV formated file for easy editing.